So interesting and I've actually had a similar experience with the exception that the frog was lodged in the hatchback of my car! I have a special connection to all creatures and especially frog's, amphibians, aquatic critters and I thought for sure the sweet little frog was fried. I was about to leave for and appointment and hadn't used or opened my hatchback in 4 day's..I was sure he was toasted but, like you did, I gently rehydrated the sweet little green creature and I ever so gently did a couple of chest compressions and low and behold? He came back from his baked stasis and the moment we shared when we locked gazes will remain with me forever. I've always had a special connection with frog's and toads.

I was over an hour late for my meeting and my excuse for being late was traffic and in hind site? I should have said what actually happened but, the moment seemed so personal and special that I felt like if I shared it? It would somehow be violating the beautiful event that froggie and I shared...Forever green with envy that I was fortunate to have this experience.

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I have a terrible phobia of green tree frogs, but I'm glad you saved.The little guy two years ago it looks like.

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